What The International Fraternity for Missing Bodies (IFMB) is:
The International Fraternity for Missing Bodies (IFMB) is the coming together of all those people, out of the global population, who are concerned about the fact that the number of people living outside of their bodies is increasing. There is not viable solution to this problem at present, but we know that a solution is possible and we all want to work towards the finding or formulation of such a solution within the foreseeable future.
Aims and
The IFMB aims to find solutions to the problem of people living outside their
bodies and return their rightful bodies to them and to return also those bodies
they currently have to their rightful owners. This is to be achieved through:
· The advancement of investigation methods
· The advancement of body identification technologies
· The advancement of body swapping technologies
· The advancement of human transportation technologies
· The advancement of clarity of interactions between species
· The improvement of human collaboration when solving problems that affect our species globally
Our Aspirations:
We hope to have members who have excelled in their professions and can think outside the current boxes on this matter. We hope to have members who can take a lead in explaining the make-up of solutions and possible solutions that might develop into technology that can be used to both recover and return the bodies that have been swapped to their original rightful owners, if the owners can be found.
In particular we would like the assistance of people from the professions listed below. If you are in any of them, we think you could be of some help to us. We would like you to join our fraternity and participate in the discussions. The Fraternity needs you.
If you have read anything published here and you disagree with it, we would like you to register your disagreement in a manner that increases understanding to those of us who read your submissions. Still we would like you to join so you can be that voice that stops us and makes us see the other side of the discussion. The fraternity needs you.
If you currently have no opinion on the matter and you would like more information of any kind, we invite you to join us and use your inquisitive mind to ask challenging questions which someone hopefully can answer and point us all in the direction that will benefit the victims of body swapping. The fraternity needs you.
The only qualification for membership is that you keep an open mind and you work towards a clearer understanding of all issues relating to the missing bodies and the body swapping phenomenon.
Professions and Occupations Required.
A | B | C | C | D | E |
accountant | babysitter | cab driver | clergyman | dancer | ecologist |
actor | baker | calligrapher | clergywoman | dentist | economist |
actress | ballerina | cameraman | clerk | dentist’s nurse | editor |
actuary | banker | captain | clown | deputy | educator |
advisor | barber | cardiologist | coach | dermatologist | electrician |
aide | baseball player | caregiver | cobbler | designer | emperor |
ambassador | basketball player | Carpenter | composer | Detective | empress |
football player | bellhop | carpenter | concierge | detective | engineer |
animator | biologist | cartographer | construction worker | dictator | entertainer |
archer | blacksmith | cartoonist | constructor | director | entomologist |
architect | bookkeeper | cashier | consul | disc jockey | entrepreneur |
artist | bowler | catcher | contortionist | Diver | environmentalist |
astronaut | boxer | caterer | contractor | diver | escapologist |
astronomer | builder | catholic nun | cook | doctor | executive |
athlete | businessman | cellist | cop | domestic worker | explorer |
attorney | businesswoman | chaplain | coroner | doorman | exporter |
auctioneer | butcher | chauffeur | counsellor | driver | exterminator |
author | butler | chef | courier | drummer | extra (in a movie) |
chemist | cryptographer | dry cleaner | |||
cleaner | custodian | ||||
F | G | H | I | J | K |
falconer | game designer | hairdresser | Illustrator | jailer | karate teacher |
farmer | garbage man | handyman | Immigration officer | janitor | karateka |
financier | gardener | harpist | importer | jester | |
fire-fighter | gatherer | highway patrol | influencer | jeweller | |
fisherman | Geisha | hobo | inspector | jockey | |
flight attendant | gem cutter | housekeeper | instructor | journalist | |
flutist | general | housewife | intern | judge | |
football player | geneticist | hunter | internist | ||
foreman | geographer | interpreter | |||
foreman | geologist | inventor | |||
forest ranger | golfer | investigator | |||
governor | |||||
grocer | |||||
guide | |||||
L | M | N | O | P | P |
labourer | magician | naturalist | oboist | painter | police |
landlord | maid | navigator | observer | palaeontologist | police officer |
landscaper | mail carrier | negotiator | operator | paralegal assistant | policeman |
laundress | manager | notary | ophthalmologist | park ranger | policewoman |
lawyer | manufacturer | novelist | optician | parking officer | politician |
lecturer | marine biologist | nun | oracle | pathologist | pope |
legal aide | marketer | Nurse | orderly | pawnbroker | postman |
librarian | martial arts | nurse | ornithologist | peddler | president |
librettist | mason | paediatrician | priest | ||
lifeguard | mathematician | percussionist | prince | ||
linguist | mayor | performer | princess | ||
lobbyist | mechanic | pharmacist | principal | ||
locksmith | member of parliament | philanthropist | private | ||
lunchroom supervisor | messenger | philosopher | private detective | ||
lyricist | midwife | photographer | process engineer | ||
milkman | physician | producer | |||
miner | physicist | professor | |||
mistress | pianist | programmer | |||
model | pilot | project engineer | |||
monk | pimp | project leader | |||
muralist | pirate | prostitute | |||
musician | pitcher | prophet | |||
plumber | psychiatrist | ||||
poet | psychologist | ||||
publisher | |||||
Q | S | T | U | V | W |
quarterback | sailor | tailor | umpire | valet | Waiter |
quiz-master | salesperson | tax collector | undertaker | veteran | waiter |
samurai | taxi driver | usher | veterinarian | waitress | |
R | saxophonist | taxidermist | vicar | warden | |
radiologist | scholar | teacher | violinist | warrior | |
rancher | scientist | teaching Assistant | watchmaker | ||
ranger | scout | technician | weaver | ||
real estate agent | scuba diver | tennis player | welder | ||
receptionist | seamstress | test pilot | wig maker | ||
recovery assistant | secretary | tiller | window cleaner | ||
recovery driver | security guard | toolmaker | woodcarver | ||
referee | senator | trader | workman | ||
registrar | shelf packer | train conductor | wrangler | ||
repairer | sheriff | trainer | writer | ||
repairman | singer | translator | |||
reporter | smith | trash collector | |||
representative | socialite | travel agent | |||
researcher | soldier | treasurer | |||
restaurateur | soothsayer | truck driver | |||
retailer | spy | tutor | |||
retiree | star | typist | |||
roofer | statistician | ||||
stockbroker | |||||
storyteller | |||||
street sweeper | |||||
student | |||||
surgeon | |||||
surveyor | |||||
swimmer |
We also would like the advice and participation of those who think they have no professions or occupations, but know that they have open minds and can make a contribution to our discussions on this important matter .
Our time scale for solving the problem:
-We hope that this phenomenon will start being addressed seriously within the next ten years, when there will be some demonstrable technologies to use to arrest the escalation of body swapping and maybe even to swap back the already swapped bodies having successfully identified the rightful owners of the bodies.
-The speeds at which body swapping happens and the causes and triggers for such events should have been catalogued from as early as the first case was identified. Machines for successfully recording such events should have been built and tested.
-Within this period, we would like to have compiled a database of those living outside their own bodies and those in whose bodies they live. -Research at universities should have started within the next few years. We should start to see graduates with degrees in aspects of body swapping, and Nobel prizes being given for advances towards solving the problem, just like there were prizes given to those pioneers who solved the issues we take for granted today.
-Statements pertaining to human rights of both sides of the victims should have been added to the human rights codes of many countries by now.
-The judiciary should have added laws about the illegality of body swapping and decided whom to prosecute in such cases, if at all. Statements about such events, whether as crimes or as events in need of police monitoring, should have been included in police training manuals and professional examinations.
-There should have been laws to stop doctors mutilating those bodies that are proven to be housing victims of the phenomenon without proper technological advancements, in case we find their owners and examine the possibility of returning the bodies. It is not proper to damage goods that do not belong to you or that you have no jurisdiction over.
Thank you for Reading.
How to Join:
Please Email us with your preferred name and brief on
[email protected]